terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011


Por definição, arcaísmo é o uso de palavras ou expressões que caíram em desuso.

Agora fica a pergunta... Será que isso acontece apenas no português?

I don’t think so...

Assim como o comportamento, as palavras também mudam ou se adaptam para poder acompanhar a evolução. Algo plausível, não?

So, some people were kind of upset about that and they’ve had a bright Idea! Why not making a list of the words that might be “extinct” and ask people to adopt and use them?

That is the idea behind 

I’ve already adopted mine and here you can see the process:

First you can browse through the words and pick one.

When you click on the word, the meaning appears with an example (what is just perfet!)

If you like the word, you can adopt it just like me!

Do your part and SPREAD THE WORD!

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